Astolon-Zyorbina was given birth by men of Durholme, in response to another Heresy committed by certain factions within the cult of Astolon. Astolon, it is said, was one of the Ten Thousand innocents. Strong in spirit, he strove to uphold the principles of equity and honour. As such he came to be worshipped as the god of Law, and as lord of Justice and Equity. Strong in Durholme, his church fell from favour during the Astolon Heresy, when members of his church began to practice law with great vigour, and as sentences became intolerably harsh, the people rebelled. It seemed that members of the church were being controlled to commit these grave crimes. Once order had been regained, Astolon was given rebirth, amid ancient ritual, under a new name, Zyorbina. However, it is difficult to change the habits of the masses, and the name Astolon came to be used again to honour this ancient and honoured Ancestor. Astolon is honoured by men who work for the city, by judges, lawyers, guardsmen and clerks. He is seen as the lord of Law, Justice and Honour.